sunnuntai 29. heinäkuuta 2018

True story about the swagger.

Silloin kun hankin Libre-sensorin mää bongasin Instagramista erilaisia diabeteksenhoitovälineisiin erikoistuvia sivustoja. Esimerkiksi Casualty Girl myy pussukoita, joka tarjoaa monelle erilaiselle pitkäaikaissairaalle sopivia pussukoita aina diabeteksesta reumaan ja astmasta allergioihin, ja Pimp My Diabetes ja HélOui myy Libre-sensoreihin ym. tarroja ja muita asusteita.

Sain Libren talvella ja koin, ettei ollut ehkä kovin tarpeellista hankkia vielä mitään tarroja, koska pitkät hihat. Kesän tullen kuitenkin pistin tilaten!

Toukokuussa kun tilasin niin valikoima ei vielä ollut täysin sitä mitä olisin halunnut. Kaipasin mustavalkoisuutta, ruusuja ja punaista. Mittarini tuunauksilla ei ollut niinkään väliä, mutta sensorin tarroihin halusin kiinnittää erityistä huomiota mätsäysobsessioni takia. Haluan käyttää Libreä kuin korua, jonka haluan koristaa mahdollisimman neutraalisti ja jotta kaikki vaatteeni sopisivat sen kanssa.

Olisin kaikkein mieluiten ottanut jonkin värikkäämmän tarran mittariini, mutta koska mikään värikkäistä kuoseista ei oikein miellyttänyt mun silmää ja koska halusin tuon mustan tarran sensoriin, niin tilasin mustan glitterisen setin. Mää en oo mikään kova glitter-fani, mutta kunhan on mustaa ja glitter sopii juhlavampiin tilaisuuksiin.

En kyl välttämättä olisi tilannut noita supersankaritarroja, jollei mieheni Keijo olisi yllyttänyt. Keijo jopa sanoi, että jos hänellä olisi diabetes, hän tilaisi oitis pelkkiä supersankaritarroja. Aika mösö. Ja onhan noi hauska lisä, kun menee kattomaan Marvel- tai DC-leffaa Plevnaan!

Kun jaoin ensimmäisen kerran IG-tarinassani kuvia Libre-tuunauksistani, Inspis-lehti otti minuun yhteyttä. He halusivat minulta pienen tarinan liittyen tuunauksiini sekä kuvia tuunauksista. No minähän suostuin oitis! Ylläoleva kuva lähti tarinan mukana Inspiksen toimittajalle, ja samaista kuvaa käytettiin myös Inspiksen mainoksessa. Just call me type 1 diabetes influencer! Lol jk.

Juttu ei ole vielä lehdessä, mutta ilmoittelen varmasti ainakin Instassa, kun se siellä on!

Toi punainen tarra on varmaan mun lemppari. Punainen on mun go-to väri nykyään ja tuo raikasta väriä mun mustiinkin asuihin.

Mulla on myös aina ollut ongelmana epäkäytännölliset mittaripussit. Insuliinit ei ikinä mahdu niihin, koska ne on mitoitettu pelkästään mittarille, sormenpään pistoskynälle ja neuloille. Mietin jo hauskan pussukan tilaamista Casualty Girliltä, mutta sitten bongasin tämän ihanuuden Bikbokista.

Tänne mahtuu ihan kaikki. Mittari, Lantus ja Fiasp, paljon neuloja sekä muita lääkkeitä. Joskus pidän tuolla mukana myös puuteria ja huulipunaa, jos en halua kantaa mukana koko meikkipussia. Ja tietysti alkuperäisen tarkoituksensa mukaisesti on ihan täydellinen pikkulaukku iltamenoihin.

It's Marvel time! Menimme katsomaan Ant-Man and the Waspia ensi-iltana ja tottakai mun piti laittaa my trusty ol' Marvel shirt ja Marvel-aiheinen sensoritarra.

Siellä ei harmikseni ollu Ant-Mania valikoimissa, mutta Spiderman on next best thing. Onhan sekin ötökkä.

Mun oli pakko kokeilla myös siirtotatuointia. Mää oon surkea käyttämään ranteissa ja kaulassa mitään, vaikka sitä kovasti suositellaankin, että tarvis ehdottomasti olla jokin näkyvä medical alert kertomassa diabeteksesta. En tykkää pitää ranteissa mitään enkä myöskään muista käyttää. Mää kyl harvoin kärsin matalista julkisilla paikoilla, mut ei sitä ikinä voi tietää.

Ei siitä oo ku pari viikkoa, kun näin kävi. Oli todella kuuma, 29 astetta, ja olin kävellyt monta kilometriä. Ihan yhtäkkiä kesken keskustassa käppäilyn tunsin kuinka verensokeri tippuu vauhdilla ja viimeisillä tajunnanrippeilläni ostin mansikoita ja vetäisin ne yhdeltä istumalta.

Siirtotatuoinnit voisi olla ratkaisu mun muistamattomuuteen ja rannekoruinhoon. Mp?

Nämä lähti välittömästi tilaukseen.

Hoitovälineiden tuunaaminen on asia, josta pystyin vain uneksimaan pienenä. Ainoa tuunausmahdollisuus hoitovälineisiin oli saada vanhaan kunnon AccuChek-mittariin kukkakuvioinen kansi. Jos olisin nyt lapsi, mää haluaisin varmaan kaikki Disney-prinsessat ja Hello Kittyt mun sensoriin mitä maailmasta löytyy. Kyllä on tultu pitkälle 20 vuodessa.

Kuulin juuri eräältä tutulta, että diabetes on varmasti nykyään aika huomaamaton sairaus paremman teknologian ja kehittyneempien hoitomuotojen ansiosta. Noh, ei tämä todellakaan ole huomaamaton sairaus, päinvastoin. Mutta vaikka elämä diabeteksen kanssa ei ole helppoa, niin omannnäköiset ja hauskat tuunaukset tuovat pienen ilonpilkahduksen oman terveyden hoitoon.

perjantai 27. heinäkuuta 2018

When the water came down.

"It was raining when we met."
"It's the same rain."

let me enjoy the view, i feel like my heart is new
those guys now are blue, things don't change, i knew
cause i've been mad so long i gotta come up once more
i'mma living another day, shaking if it's another way
this is what i aim for

morning sun

and it feels so much better now
if only i could stay down here forever

"I put my rainbow in the cloud, and it will serve as a sign of the covenant between me and the earth. Whenever I bring a cloud over the earth, then the rainbow will certainly appear in the cloud."

i'mma give it all that i got, all that i got, oh, never gon stop
the reason why we fall is to get back on the horse
i'mma give it all that i got

both eyes on the prize
that's where i'm gonna be
no goodbyes on my way
just to find my own key

life don't stress us much
not worried about such and such

like a thief in the night i stay up late
boogieman working hours

i'm beyond great

neon shapes, my thoughts race
the milky way's my work space

it would take far too long for you to understand
it'll take this and that
thank you, come again

Lyrics by The Megaphone State and Gracias.

keskiviikko 25. heinäkuuta 2018

Lookbook 2018: Tyylejä ja lyriikoita, part 1.

Dress & earrings - Uhana Design | Necklace - NN |
Lips - NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick, shade Kitten Heels

see i've always been a dreamer,
never been in touch with reality

Earrings - H&M | Lips - NYX Liquid Suede Cream Lipstick, shade Amethyst

all i see is purple, that'll do for the night

Coatigan - Object | T-shirt - Cristelle & Co.
Backpack - Noorit | Earrings - Uhana Design

you were busy going underground
when i needed you the most
you lost any fight you ever had
now it’s me and your ghost

Earrings - Uhana Design

oh, on and on 
and on and on

my cypher keeps moving like a rolling stone

what did I do?
what’s been and gone
you chose to hate
my every bone

Shirt - H&M | Earrings - Uhana Design | Glasses - Specsavers

live long enough by the train tracks
till the noise start to sound like a lullaby

Dress & earrings - Uhana Design | Heels - Marco Tozzi 

don't let the moment pass
low-key all around i be

Coatigan - Object | Tee - Bikbok | Jeans - H&M

six-story building
about six billion stories of glory

Dress - Radiokirppis | Earrings - Uhana Design
don't you rush it, take your time
if it's true love, you've got the rest of life

Coatigan - Object | Shirt & pants - Noorit
Scarf - Pieces | Canvas tote bag - Plugged Records

come around to see how i get down
how deep?
head first, i'm heading to the ground
how deep?
out of sight, out of mind, safe and sound
how deep?

low down, nowhere to be found

Shades - Bikbok | Tee - Cristelle & Co. | Suspenders - Cybershop
and they know the way i put it down
makes me a tough act to follow

and as we move on - getting both of my shoes on
learning when i do wrong, i'm ready like a newborn

write my story down 'cos they been waiting for too long

Shirt - H&M | Skirt - Seppälä | Earrings - Uhana Design
i builded up my confidence and got rid of the doubt
kicked em out, kicked em out, relocated down south

who gave you permission to rearrange me?
certainly not me

the world is mine
when i wake up
i don't need nobody telling me the time

certainly, certainly, certainly not me

Shirt - Vila | Earrings - Pieces | Glasses - Specsavers
i need my space

socially overworked on the net, migraines

we are all on the same plane

same city, same continent
why we on the phones, still don't get it
exchanging compliments

brand new high, bound to fly
but hey, how are things on your side?

Lyrics by The Megaphone State, Gracias, Rosie Lowe & Erykah Badu.

tiistai 24. heinäkuuta 2018

"The way she came into the place I knew right then and there...

... there was something different about this girl."

Did you know that my dad is the world's greatest grandma? He got me the most awesome t-shirt in the whole universe!

Also you can see a hint of my awesome new striped pants! Been looking for these kind of pants for a few years now and lucky for me they're in now so I FOUND THEM.

Matias the Photobomb.

maanantai 23. heinäkuuta 2018

I have some food for thought.

it was a stormy night, you know the kind where the lightning strikes
and i was hanging out with some of my artsy friends
(ooh wee ooh wee ooh)

the night was long, the night went on
people cooling out until the break of dawn

see i picks my friends like i pick my fruit
my ganny told me that when i was only a youth

i don't walk around trying to be what i'm not
i don't waste my time trying to get what you got

i work at pleasing me cause i can't please you

and that's why i do what i do

my soul flies free like a willow tree
(doo wee doo wee doo wee)

and if you don't want to be down with me
then you don't want to pick from my apple tree

and if you don't want to be down, you just don't want to be down

R.I.P. Apple tree 1??? - 2018.

lauantai 21. heinäkuuta 2018

Musical frissons: Pori Jazz 2017.

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time for...

Arvatkaas pojat ja tytöt mitä? Se on kuulkaas ny sillä tavalla, että kun mulla luonnistuu jostain ihmeen syystä nää musiikkihommat englanniksi, niin...

Boy oh boy, aren't you anglophiles in for a treat! (and grammar/error nazis, be warned, I haven't done this in a while so prepare yourselves) Because I'm gonna write in English for a change!

Pori Jazz was UH-mazing. I mean, DAYMN. So many marvelous artists and fantastic musicians that I just can't even. First we were supposed to go there on Friday only, but as we were browsing Saturday's set list we simply could not stand the thought of missing all the great performances set for that day! I mean hey c'mon, how we would've been able to miss The Phenomenal Erykah Badu, The Awesome Cory Henry or The Amazing Chaka Khan?

What in the world is going on with my hair!? #itsthehumidityy
I managed to film all the performances we saw, except for Ms. Badu. The security personnel were quite strict during her show and told all the people who tried to take photos or videos to stop immediately. Don't know why, but I didn't really mind. Got to enjoy the performance more and didn't need to focus on filming. Her show was awesome and bad ass even, I might say. Erykah is the true boss lady of soul! And despite of the security personnel, I got a few photos of her just for me. I'll upload one of them here, of course.

We had nothing but sheer luck this weekend: this was the only rainy day. The rest of the time it was over 20 degrees celsius (the nights were cold as heck though).


Kandace Springs
Samm Henshaw & The Sound Experiment
Yussef Dayes presents Black Focus
Herbie Hancock

The festivities kickstarted with Kandace Springs, a young and sweet piano playing afro-headed talent. I loved her songs and stage persona. She had a very talented group of jazz players with her. Smooth tunes and mellow atmosphere. What a perfect start to our weekend of jazz!

Up next was the first artist we actually were waiting for - Samm Henshaw. Like he said many many MANY times after performing and hearing our reactions, AMAZING. Before Pori Jazz we listened to a few artists beforehand and Mr. Henshaw was one of them. It was love at first listening when I listened to These Hands, both the original and Oliver Nelson remix. He also had an awesome band with him, The Sound Experiment. And according to his own words, Samm said it was his first time in a long time that he was performing live. It sure went well enough for us not to notice that! Absolutely loved them all, without a doubt!

Rhye. What can I say? When I listened to their music before Pori Jazz, I was 100% sure the singer is a 30-40 year old black woman with dreadlocks and a genuine stage persona oozing soul. Boy was I totally wrong. Rhye's lead singer is a white male, about 40 years old and looks like a family man. Still, they sounded so amazing. I just stood there in awe while listening to them. Mesmerizing. I still listen to their songs every once in a while when I'm in the mood for some eerie love songs.

Then the whole festival area exploded, when the great Yussef Dayes and his bass player and key boardist took over Lokki Stage! I still get chills even thinking about their set. They were so good, I almost want to say PERFECT. You could see that Yussef was the heart and soul of the trio. He led the whole thing and everything was perfected by the minute, nay, by the second. Wow. I don't even know what to say anymore. Just watch it from the video and enjoy. LOVED THEM FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART. Much respect and love.

Herbie Hancock is legen - wait for it - DARY! Legendary! His show was very experimental and he had a truly talented band with him. Of course I had to film the part where they play Cantaloop! An absolute classic!

Last but not least... Jared? Juicebox? Jellyfish? JAMIROQUAI!

You got yourselves a hardcore fan! Let me tell you a story: I didn't like Jamiroquai at all when I was little. I thought it was boring, too artsy and "music for adults". How childish I was (well duh, I was a child). All those years wasted on shitty music (ok no, a huge part of it were a big deal in my life at some point). I even remember stating after singing Cosmic Girl on Singstar that I hate the song and I never want to sing it again. Well guess who sang it at Pori Jazz from the bottom of her lungs?! I love Automaton more than anything and the older classics... Wow. If I had lived my mid-twenties back in the 90s, I probably would've been totally in love with Jay Kay.

Awesome ending to an awesome day. To be continued...


Michael Kiwanuka
(Erykah Badu)
Cory Henry & The Funk Apostles
Chaka Khan

Saturday started with the chill, African tunes of Michael Kiwanuka. Sun was shining from a cloudless blue sky, people were chilling on the grass. I almost fell asleep on the ground. A perfect way to start the next and last day of Pori Jazz.

Then it was time for Erykah Badu, the originator of Baduizm. Even though I didn't get to film her show at all, I want to dedicate a few words to her and her brilliant live band. Her drummer was extremely skillful and because the soul diva was running a bit late (not surprising), he put on a little showcase of his mad drumming skillz. Man he was GOOD! When finally the Queen of Soul walked to the stage, we felt ourselves a bit weird first. No offense, but she seemed like a stoned drug addict. But soon we realized it was a part of her on-stage persona. She had a ginormous white stetson hat and heavy boots and I loved her red Native American-styled dress. She performed songs like Appletree, Rim Shot and See You Next Lifetime, and man, I fell in love with her mellow and extremely feminine soul music. Whenever I feel chill and empowered, I love to listen to the sweet tunes of Erykah and especially Baduizm.

I have never danced as much as I danced when Cory Henry was playing with the Funk Apostles! The Funk Apostles played mostly funky cover versions of old classics such as Staying Alive by Bee Gees. He had an extremely talented band with him and two future Whitney Houstons and Tina Turners! Can't remember their names for the life of me, but boy oh boy did they have SOUL written all over them! Safe to say that I had the time of my life during their show. Absolutely amazing!

Last but not all the least: Chaka Khan. The Kween of Funk had it all. The style, the hair, the background choir AND THE SURPRISE FEATURE ARTIST.

Yes. She brought ERYKAH BADU BACK ON THE STAGE WITH HER AND OMG I DIED. I just wanted to cry looking at Erykah fangirling over Chaka and messing up with the song lyrics they were singing together. You and me both, Erykah. You and me both. It was the perfect ending to a perfect festival.

THANK YOU. And hope to see ya again, Pori.