lauantai 22. lokakuuta 2011

It's a beautiful bliss.

You know, when I was a kid growin' up, we used to love playin' outside, ridin' bikes. And that was the 80's, record heat waves. I mean people were like, dyin' on the side of the road, gettin' heat strokes and the only thing you could do was going in the house and, you know, take a shower a couple times a day. So, I never forget when I was like seven years old... I closed my eyes and that's when it started. I started seeing sounds.

So. I'd like to thank a few people that has made me fall in love with the most beautiful art in the world: MUSIC. Here's a few words to y'all from the bottom of my heart.

Okay, now first and foremost, Michael Jackson. I fell in love with you when I was 1 year old little girl, and I will love you and your music forever. You have been an inspiration to many artists that I listen to and I thank you for that too. You are gone now, but your music will live forever. ♥

Adam Tensta, thank you for bringing awesome beats, great storytelling and mesmerizing rhythms to my life. You're not like the monkey who does things that others do; party like an animal, drink alcohol or use drugs. Please come to Tampere some day and give us another unforgettable performance like at Blockfest 2010! ♥

Kanye West, I've been listening to your music for 5 years, and you have never let me down. You're one of the most awesome hip hop producers in the world. Your beats, rapping style and lyrics are just incredible. ♥

Kid Cudi - an artist who makes me high without smoking. You make me a complete MANIAC with your music. Thanks a lot from unique beats and memorable lyrics. You're an awesome guy, even though you're a lil' bit of a pot smoker, which is something I don't appreciate. Peace!

Gracias (ent. Luminate), iso kiitos siitä, että palasit hip hopin pariin. Musiikkisi on inspiraationi lähde. Sun räppi on sujuvaa sekä englanniksi että suomeksi, ja arvostan tällaista monitaituruutta mitä tulee musiikkiin. Räppääthän vielä joskus hieman ranskaksi, mkay? ( I KNOW there's already "À la recherche de Manu G" = In Search Of Manu G, but still...) I'd love to hear that. Biittisi ovat vangitsevia ja euforisia, varsinkin kun niihin paneutuu kunnolla. Merci, thank you & KIITOS!

Elastinen & Iso H, sydämelliset kiitokset, että ootte olemassa. Toitte oikean hip hopin Suomeen, hienoja biittejä ja kunnon sanomaa. Ilman teitä suomihiphoppia ei olisi. Marry me, Kimmo Laiho? ♥

Huge L/Pohjolan Molli/Huge Lucifer/Mukamas Elektro/Hugelius/Frank Einstein/jne., lämpimät kiitokset ja respektit hiljaisuudessa pysymisestä. Olet tuottanut kymmeniä albumeita ja mixtapeja, mieleenpainuvia ja yksityiskohtaisia biittejä, mutta et tee itsestäsi haloota. Arvostan suuresti. Vaikka harmittaakin se, ettet keikkaile, niin sekin on nöyrä osoitus siitä, ettet halua etkä aio tehdä itsestäsi suurta numeroa. Hieno mies ja hieno ääni.

Looptroop Rockers (Promoe, Supreme, CosM.I.C. & DJ Embee), tack så mycket att producera oss mest mångsidiga musik jag vet. All I can say is, Swedish rappers are kickin' it! ♥

Also bigger than big thank you to Nas, Lupe Fiasco, Common, Wale, T.I., Brandon, Guru & DJ Premier from Gang Starr, Immortal Technique, Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Wiz Khalifa & Xzibit.

Myös isoakin isompi kiitos Rähinän, Joku Roti Recordsin, Monsp Recordsin ja 3rd Rail Musicin jätkille: Timo Pieni Huijaukselle, Pyhimykselle, Stepalle, Jonivelille ja muille Urbaanilegendan jätkille, Signmarkille, Krisolle, Palefacelle, Redramalle ja Edorfille.

Special thanks to Metallica and Avenged Sevenfold. You guys represent the best bands in heavy metal-genre. You make awesome music and I love your song lyrics. James Hetfield's and M. Shadows's voices are truly a pleasure for me to listen to. I'm amazed that you got me to like other kind of music than hip hop and rap. Keep up the good work, fellas!

Thank you for all the beats, rhythms and melodies. Thank you for all the great lyrics. THANK YOU for being there when nobody else was. I get advice and consolation from you when I need 'em. I get euphoric and so happy when I listen to a song made by any of you. You don't know me and I don't know you personally, but I'd be more than honoured to meet someone of you some day.

Damn I got emotional. But all I'm trying to say is I love you guys and your music. ♥ Peace!

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