lauantai 4. elokuuta 2012

I wanna rock with you all night, dance you in the day.

This is a very short post. And this time I mean it. Don't worry, I'll tell you guys about my day at Särkänniemi and working at Delfin Basket Tournament later.

I've had this thing on my mind lately. This thing about dancing. I love it. It's the only sport that I can handle and I'm even quite good at it. But I haven't been dancing in over 3 years. I haven't had a single hobby in the past 3 years.

But now I've been thinking about taking dancing classes again. And this time I'm serious about this.

I already checked out some dance lessons, which are being held at Hip Hop House. I don't know why but Wednesday was the day of the week I thought would be the best. And there was a perfect dance lesson with a perfect difficulty level. I won't start with the beginner's level, because I know the basics of street dancing.

I think this is it. I'm gonna continue dancing again the same week when I'm also going back to school. Can't wait!

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